Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Social Media & Internet Advertising Take On The Soap Opera

P&G Shifts Marketing Money to Social Media
I just recently read an article about how Procter & Gamble is ending
its 77-year run of advertising on soap operas in favor of producing
more campaigns using social media. Man that is huge. That means
more than ever that Social Media Marketing is taking hold and is
becoming a go to medium.

$9 Billion A Year On Advertising
The company is an important advertiser that spends nearly $9 billion
per year to advertise its products. The company is finding social media
sites such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to be more effective
channels for reaching women and has spent much of 2010 experimenting
with campaigns in these arenas.

Digital Media Is A Way To Do Marketing
Digital media has "become very integrated with how we operate, it's
become part of the way we do marketing," marketing Chief Marc Pritchard
told the Associated Press. "It's kind of the oldest form of marketing —
word of mouth — with the newest form of technology."

Switching From Soap Operas To Social Media Advertising
The switch from soap operas to social media is one motivated by its
success with previous social media campaigns — such as its Old Spice
Guy YouTube promotion — and a desire to capitalize on the more readily
available opportunities of reaching women through digital media.

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Here are some articles about us:

Article - How Using Social Media..

Article - ...include a call to action.


  1. I believe that a social media consultant must be attuned to the company goals and aspirations if he or she is to represent them on their social media channels. I also think that outsourcing social media marketing is a good idea for a company looking to specialize in their core business. In any case, most businesses outsource marketing and advertising and I don’t see why social media marketing should be any different. You just need to be actively involved to ensure that you are represented in the way that you want

  2. I believe that a social media consultant must be attuned to the company goals and aspirations if he or she is to represent them on their social media channels. I also think that outsourcing social media marketing is a good idea for a company looking to specialize in their core business. In any case, most businesses outsource marketing and advertising and I don’t see why social media marketing should be any different. You just need to be actively involved to ensure that you are represented in the way that you want

  3. I believe that a social media consultant must be attuned to the company goals and aspirations if he or she is to represent them on their social media channels. I also think that outsourcing social media marketing is a good idea for a company looking to specialize in their core business. In any case, most businesses outsource marketing and advertising and I don’t see why social media marketing should be any different. You just need to be actively involved to ensure that you are represented in the way that you want

  4. I believe that a social media consultant must be attuned to the company goals and aspirations if he or she is to represent them on their social media channels. I also think that outsourcing social media marketing is a good idea for a company looking to specialize in their core business. In any case, most businesses outsource marketing and advertising and I don’t see why social media marketing should be any different. You just need to be actively involved to ensure that you are represented in the way that you want
